An aging population and increasing healthcare expenses are among the most severe challenges facing Western countries like Finland in the coming years.

Pihlajalinna has had an active role in the transition of the Finnish healthcare industry and has created unique service concepts to serve both the private and public sectors. It all started in 2001 when Mikko Wirén founded the company to offer physician staffing services to municipalities in the Pirkanmaa region. In a little bit over a decade, Pihlajalinna developed into one of the largest comprehensive nationwide healthcare service providers.

In 2012 Pihlajalinna took a leap into the Helsinki metropolitan area by acquiring the leading local private healthcare company Dextra. Furthermore, during Sentica’s ownership Pihlajalinna acquired more than 20 other healthcare companies and carried out notable complete healthcare and social care outsourcings. Pihlajalinna was responsible for the first ever outsourcing of a public district hospital in 2010. Today the company operates under the Pihlajalinna brand. In June 2015 Pihlajalinna was listed on the main list of Helsinki Stock Exchange and Sentica sold the remaining of its Pihlajalinna shares in May 2016.

Sector: Healthcare services
Sales at exit: (2015): €213 million
CEO at exit: Mikko Wirén
Web: www.pihlajalinna.fi
Entry: 12/2009
Exit: 5/2016
Fund: Sentica Buyout III
Ownership at exit: 17.1%
Deal team: Mika Uotila (case responsible), Marjatta Rytömaa and Timo Sarkki