Everybody loves a great pizza.

Kotipizza’s mission is to make the best pizzas from highest quality ingredients. The company has established itself as the leading pizza franchising chain in Finland with more than 200 passionate entrepreneurs.  The winning recipe includes an entrepreneurial spirit and critical mass enabling high quality marketing, concept development and ingredient sourcing.

During Sentica’s ownership the company has put even more focus on ingredients and the importance of communicating this to consumers, which is reflected in the new menu and concept that was launched in 2014. In the spring of 2015 Kotipizza expanded outside of the traditional pizza by introducing a Mexican style restaurant chain Chalupa. In July 2015 Kotipizza was listed on the Helsinki stock exchange. Sentica exited Kotipizza in February 2017 by selling its shares to over 70 institutional investors.

Sector: Fast food chain
Sales at exit: (2015): €56 million
CEO at exit: Tommi Tervanen
Web: http://www.kotipizzagroup.com
Entry: 9/2011
Exit: 2/2017
Fund: Sentica Buyout III
Ownership at exit: 63.3%
Deal team: Johan Wentzel (case responsible) and Marjatta Rytömaa